• Mrs. A. Anitha

    Assistant Professor

    Computer Science and Business Systems

    Funded Projects
    Worshop Attended
    Lectures Delivered
    Research Supervisorship
  • Education

    Degree Specialization Institute Year of Passing
    M.E CSE(Network Engineering Specialisation) FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE 2019
    B.E Biomedical Engineering PSNA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2015
  • Experience

    Experience Type Organization Designation Total Experience
    TEACHING PSN College of Engineering and Technology Assistant Professor 1 Year
    TEACHING Best Tuition Centre Lecturer 1 Year
  • Awards

    1.Received Best Outgoing Student of the Department Award in PG (2019).
    2.Secured department 1st rank in PG level.
    3.Secured department 2nd and 3rd rank in 4th and 5th semesters respectively in UG level.
    4.Achieved Active member award in Rotaract club of PSNA College of Engineering(2013 - 2014).
  • Publications

    Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Aravind Swaminathan, Beslin Pajila, Brundha,Published,A Comparative Analysis of LEACH, TEEN, SEP and DEEC in Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for WSN Sensors , In International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV) 2019, Springer, LNDECT 33, pp. 395 – 403, 2020.

    A. Anitha, Dr. S. Balaji, Published,ToGo Application for Corporate Company Cab Booking , International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), ISSN: 2395-0056,Volume 09, Issue 02, Feb 2022.Journal

    Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Dr. M. Vargheese, V. Ebenezer, P. J. Beslin Bajila, J. Yamuna Bee, P. kanagalakshmi,Published, Classification Techniques for Predicting Breast Cancer: A Technical Review , Journal of Xidian University,Volume 15, Issue 7, pp. 141 – 154, 2021. (Scopus Indexed) Journal

    A.Anitha,Mrs.P.Kanaga Lakshmi,Dr.M.Vargheese, S.Nandhini,P.Karunya Devi,N.Shanmugapriya, M. Subbulakshmi, Published, Direct Sales of Agricultural Commodities ,Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 6, pp.1252 -1256, June – 2021. (Scopus Indexed)Journal

    Anitha Amaithi Rajan, M. Vargheese, J. Yamuna Bee, P. Kanagalakshmi and K. Soniya,Published,Recognition and Classification of Normal and Affected Agriculture using Fruit Disease Detection,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07 Issue: 11, pp.1080 – 1083, Nov 2020.Journal

    Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Arun Amaithi Rajan, Published,Data Anonymization Techniques for Preserving Privacy in Public Release Data Model: A Technical Review ,International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 08, Issue.01, pp.58-62, 2020. Journal

    Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Aravind Swaminathan, Brundha, Published,A Novel Clustering Algorithm for DEEC Protocol Based on Game Theory in WSN Sensors , International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), Volume 08, Issue 03, pp. 91 – 95, March 2019. Journal

    Anitha Amaithi Rajan, Aravind Swaminathan, Beslin Pajila, Brundha, Published, A Comparative Analysis of LEACH and HEED in Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks , International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 13, Issue 22, pp. 15465-15469, November 2018. Journal

    Anitha.A, Published,Iot Based Secure E-Health System in Blockchain Environment , International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 05, Issue 03, pp. 168-172, March 2018.Journal

  • Research Interests

    Machine Learning

    Wireless Networks

    Computational Biology

  • Subjects Taught

    Fundamentals of Computer and Python Programming

    Computer Architecture

    OOPs and Data Structure

    C# and .Net Programming

    Computer Communication Networks

    Design and Analysis of Algorithm

    Object Oriented Programming (Java)

    Advanced Computer Architecture

    Object Oriented Software Engineering

    Machine Learning and Deep Learning